About 'obesity and weight management'|Can peer mentors help teens lose weight new strategies for combatting teen obesity
With childhood obesity as a leading cause of public health concern in the United States, many parents are looking for creative ways in which to help their children become more physically active and engage in more healthy lifestyle choices. If your teen is struggling with weight issues, you may want to consider retaining the services of a holistic life coach who can provide support and recommendations for your teen's improved health. Holistic life coaches are individuals who are specialized in treating the whole body - providing holistic and alternative therapy options to treat the body, mind, and spirit. For teenagers who have a weight issue, and for teens who are struggling with obesity, holistic life coaches provide not only recommendations for exercise and diet, but also work to treat the spiritual and emotional aspects of the teen's needs. To find a holistic life coach, you can typically search online but you will want to find one that is specialized in not only the needs of teenagers and children, but also one who is specialized in weight management issues and obesity in children. Also, be sure that you find a holistic life coach that is located in your area as many programs that are available online, or available by phone, are not going to be as effective as the one-on-one treatments. As a parent, it is important to be prepared for some resistance from your teenager as many are not ready and willing to speak openly about their emotions and spiritual well being with a stranger. With a good holistic life coach, however, your teen should begin to find comfort in their recommendations over time but understanding there will be some resistance at first will be important. When using a holistic life coach for your teenager, perseverance is key to success. Life coaches provide a variety of services but, for teenagers, they can mean the difference between laying the foundation for a quality transition into adulthood, or beginning adulthood with poor health. When struggling to help your teenager overcome issues of obesity and weight management, there are many options to consider and using a holistic life coach should be one incorporated into the other aspects of your teenager's life. Sources: Fed Up!: Winning The War Against Childhood Obesity, by Susan Okie, pp. 131-145. |
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